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Sunday 28th 4pm

I Strongly Believe In Incredible Things

Rob Auton is an award-winning comedian, poet, writer, actor and podcaster, named the ‘Brian Cox of Comedy’ by the Guardian. He has written eight hit Edinburgh Fringe shows, which have led to nationwide tours, and numerous television and radio appearances. In 2020, Rob started The Rob Auton Daily Podcast, which won the Best Daily Podcast at the British Podcast Awards. The show has amassed over 1.5 million listens.


I Strongly Believe In Incredible Things is a book of poetic prose, musings, short stories and biro drawings detailing a selection of the Earth’s incredible things. Unique, enchanting and utterly life affirming, this is a collection of pages that come together to create the opposite of the news, becoming the tonic for the complicated gin that is the world we find ourselves in today with the aim of fuelling people to return to the coal-face of everyday life with optimism and wonder in their pockets.

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